Hi. Thanks for agreeing to be a speaker for the Florida Keys Audubon Society. We've developed this little questionnaire in order to try and organize the information for your talk as quickly, accurately, and painlessly as possible. Thanks! Contact me if you have any questions. (Actually, any questions you have you can just put into this form.)
Also, can you email us a photo of yourself to use on the website and in press releases? Since it might be used for print, we'd hope for something that is a minimum 1500 pixels on the longest side of the image. A photo of you out in the field is great, but a headshot also works. It's OK to send multiple images along. The better the photo, the more likely it is to run in the paper, the more likely it is people will see it and come to your talk. (Yay!) And if this is too technical, just contact me and we'll figure something out.
EMAIL PHOTOS TO keysaudubon@gmail.com