Photo by Nick Doll.
The Florida Keys Audubon Society’s speaker series will continue on Wednesday, April 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Key West Garden Club, 1100 Atlantic Boulevard.
The speaker will be Mark Hedden, Executive Director of the Florida Keys Audubon Society.
Hedden will give a talk called "The Accidental & The Weird: Some Rare Birds of the Florida Keys."
"Key West is a tiny island in the middle of a big ocean. And you'd think a place this small and remote would be too out of the way to get a lot of rare birds, but that's not really the case. Rare birds show up on a pretty regular basis. Finding them is almost just a matter of paying attention," said Hedden.
Hedden will talk about and show pictures of some of the rarest birds he has seen in his 20 years birding in the Keys. He will also offer a brief natural history of the Cuban Finch and its appearances in the Florida Keys.
There will also be a short birdwalk before the talk, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Garden Club.
Admissions is free and open to anyone who is interested.